
Done talking to me?

How does PlusTen work?

See how just a snippet of code can make AI safer.

import { Plusten } from '@plusten/core';

// Initialize the PlusTen SDK
const plusten = new Plusten(process.env.PLUSTEN_API_KEY);

// Register a handler for user input
const handleUserInput = plusten.createHandler(appId, (event) => {
    // Peform your neded actions

1. Add our SDK to your project

Set a handler wherever you have input from user to capture input data.

// Apply the handler
<input placeholder="Enter your text to send to the robot" onChange={handleUserInput}>

2. Data is captured and processed

Our high-throughput system processes and analyzes the data in real-time in the context of your moderation needs.

// User sent their input, now query the PlusTen API
function myUserRequestHandler() {
    const result = await plusten.getResult(handleUserInput);
    if (result.success) {
        if (result.isAllowed) {
            // Push a message to your server
        } else {
            const reason = result.reason;
            // Let the user know what happened
    } else {
        // Ahh an error to handle!

3. Request a moderation result

Before sending the user request to your server, query the PlusTen API to check the moderation result of a given input.

import { PlustenHistorical } from '@plusten/historical';

// Initialize the PlusTen SDK
const plusten = new PlustenHistorical(process.env.PLUSTEN_API_KEY);

// Get some data about denied request from an app
// A date range maybe 30 days
const startDate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 30));
const endDate = new Date();
const deniedRequestHistory = plusten.getDeniedRequests(appId, startDate, endDate);

// Limitless possibilities follow...

4. View historical trends and monitoring

Check your dashboard or use our API for historical trends and monitoring of your moderation over time and in real-time.

Excited to get started?

So are we! That's why we're hard at work developing PlusTen.

Join the waitlist and get notified as soon as we launch! You will also get $50 in complimentary credits to trial PlusTen.

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